Flutter?React?Kotlin? Why I am not learning a new programming language right now.

My next client/employer must be reading this and be like “Well, this is not the 10X coder I wanted”.

Here is my little background story. I was a front end web dev when I began as a complete beginner, Then I saw how easy web dev has become with (WordPress, DreamWeaver..etc). I told myself “This will be so easy in the next 10 years…let me try some other thing”.

I saw an Android phone from my friend…When I held it on my hand I knew this was it…my destiny 🙂

Fast forward to 2019.

I am beginning to see the same thing I saw when I was doing web back then, Android dev is going to be simpler than before..now what should I switch to next? Wearables? NO

What I see, in the next 10 years.. building UI and simple back end in Android and mobile will be too simple than in 2019. We are seeing Flutter being the catalyst here…Every coder will find it simple to do that.

How do I make myself stand out then? Learn a new language? No. I think the skills that will be more right for me and my clients is not another coding language..because I remember the time when Java was the holy grail..now it’s not and I am not going to go down that path anymore. Jumping from one framework to another..atleast not yet lol. 😀

Therefore I am and I wish you, my good reader, to learn something like “how to increase app or web user engagement”, “How to build long term users”, “how to personalize experiences for each app/web user”, how to use AI and Data to help you do all this and how to do digital marketing well to achieve all this.

You know…how to actually make what you promise your clients that your products do!

Because in this era of people buying Tinder and Uber clones for $20. We need people who can build products that can actually make revenue and bring a positive impact on its users. And when you are that person, the coding language you chose to write with won’t matter that much.

Thanks for reading, Let’s connect.

Instagram: nickyrabit

Twitter: nngailo

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